Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Is You Cake Fully Baked?

"I was meditating on relationships earlier and had an interesting thought. You can say that relationships are a lot like waiting for a cake to finish baking. With all the ingredients having been mixed, there's a waiting process. Now I'm no expert at baking cakes but I know that the temperature you set the oven to, determines how long it'll take for the cake to be ready. One thing to keep in mind is that the baker determines all of the beforehand, because it's his cake and he has a desired outcome. Now as the cake sits in the oven, it's given time to form and rise inside the heat of the oven, it starts to let off a sweet aroma. It's beginning to smell and look like cake, but it still needs time to cook on the inside. The surface may be beginning to brown, but when you put that toothpick in it, it'll reveal that its not quite ready. Now at this point, you're tempted to take it out before its time. If you choose not to have self-control you'll come to find that a half baked cake isn't as good as a fully baked cake. So basically, if you take it out before its time, you can spoil a good thing, slowing down its process only to find that it needs to go back into the oven a little longer. But if you wait, once it's finished, the Baker will present you with the cake you desired and waited for. So I say that to encourage those to wait it out, and let the heat of the Baker's oven shape you and form you inwardly as you wait for that which has been promised." ~ Jared 'Deraj' Wells, Christian Vocalist
I had the privilege of reading the above a week ago. Different analogy but the same message, I've heard time and time again: We must wait on the Master to perform His will in us (and our life situations), so that we may walk in our purpose and into our destiny. So often we chose to get out of the kitchen when we can't take the heat per se. But how many will agree that if the kitchen doesn't heat up, that food your hungering for and waiting on will never be allowed to fully cook? Hindsight is always 20/20 and for a lot of us, we look back and wish that we had done better and endured that 'heat'. Everything in life is about process and change. Again, everything in life is about process and change. Are you willing to be processed? Are you willing to get hot? When will we take responsibility for things that have occurred? How can we make better decisions in our lives? Decisions that would propel us into our better tomorrows and life journeys. I ask that we begin to examine our lives. Getting tired of being sick and tired and PUTTING IT ON THE TABLE!, as I like to say. LOL! Truly putting life's situations on the table and dissecting our character(s) and motives - chiseling away the junk (a lot of it spackle on by our own hands) of life that has continued to keep us caught up in our double realities. Stand steadfast, for all is not done in vain. Be blessed and move forward...even if they are baby steps!
Habakkuk 2:3 - "For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry."
Psalms 37:4 - "Take delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires."
Hosea 7:8 - "My people of Israel mingle with godless foreigners, picking up their evil ways. Now they have become worthless as a half baked cake" NLT