Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Doing the right thing carries a high cost. Many times the cost is actually loss of something, things, and these 'things are usually people. The reality of it means being able to grasp that your decision may cause some disharmony for those who choose the beaten path. I implore you to stay on the high road; with it's twist and turns, rocky, flooded, mud/rock slidden terrain. Your journey will be one that you can look back on and be proud to share the story of how you made it through. As opposed to the beaten path, which is seemingly effortless and trekked so much so, that it begins to leave a ditch of sorts for those that keep on it endless stretch which eventually runs into hilled areas that only lead to other endless excursions. Choosing to take the high road or the road less traveled will bring joy to God, honor to your name, and leave a mighty legacy for your children...it may seem a lonely passage, yet you are not alone. While on this expedition, your conscious choice for the "good of it all" automatically signed you up for a lifetime insurance policy against all the bumpy terrain that you may encounter. I bless God for the reassurance...knowing that He will never leave me nor forsake me b/c I've decided to truly love on Him and honor Him with my life. All that I have lost and will lose...I count it all joy, until His return. Amen
James 1: (2) Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you
face trials of many kinds, (3) because you know that the testing of your faith
develops perserverance. (4) Perserverance must finish it work so that you may be
mature and complete, not lacking anything.