Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Time

It's April and flowers are in bloom, birds are singing, and the bees are buzzing. Everything around me is growing and I am too. Over the weekend, or the past week for that matter I had a 'thwarted epiphany' that I am an adult. I know.........(^_^)! I mean I'm sitting here thinking..."What was I thinking?" I don't know if it was the friendships that have gone up in smoke the past few weeks or the 'long lost lover' (he's married now I might add) making an absurd attempt to contact me. After literally not being able to get out of my spot in bed on one of my most favorite days of the year (Easter), I realized that I am too old to continue to let 'mess' continue on in my life.

MOVING FORWARD: Words imprinted on my mind...doesn't seem to be the popular choice these days. I have chosen to continue on and not let the negative realities of life get me down...so why couldn't I 'function' on Sunday? I had to sit back and access AGAIN what I mean to God, myself, my children, and lastly others (today a clear one, as to why 'others' is on the bottom rung...a muddled day 'they' would rest under God - don't get me wrong 'others' matter, but I can't continue to try and take care of others while my homelife is falling apart). I can no longer listen to people who haven't chosen to make a change in their life for their own good. Hey, I'm no one to point a finger, but will be the first to let you know it took me a long, long, long time to get where I am today. And God's knows I have a lot of learning to go. But I mean seriously? How many times can you let the same thing keep happening to you...and by your doing and no one else's. How long are we as women gonna sit around and bash men while what we really need to do is take a look in the mirror and pick ourselves to pieces to get to the root of the issue of these men 'taking advantage' of us.

I'm tired of the usual same 'ole, same 'ole. WAKE UP! True, life is hard...but can be easy if our steps are ordered. I'm tired of having to tell others to look to God and they agree and then in the same sentence talk about how they want to sin more. I am beginning to start 'dusting my feet off' per se. That means that I probably won't be talking to too many of the 'others' any longer. I yearn to be as a tree firmly planted by the Living Water, that I may grow. And keeping that vision in my head I realize that in order to grow, there must be pruning. Oh man does it hurt, but is so necessary. I will bless God through this process, because it is truly for His glory. Amen

Your unfailing love is better to me than life itself; how I praise you! Psalm 63:3 NLT

Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. Hebrews 10:36 NLT

They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. Psalm 1:3 NLT

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