Friday, October 30, 2009


This week I was hit with a reality…I have not achieved set goals due to my fear and laziness. Hard pill to swallow? Yes. Is the pill for the betterment for my physical, mental, social, and spiritual health? Yes. God has told me that all is mine for the asking, as long as that ‘all’ lines up with His will and that I am obedient in all that He asks of me. Disobedience is a blessing blocker. It can delay if not annihilate what God has in store for you. I was presented with an offer this week. And as enticing as the offer was, I had to decline. Now in me being transparent, I must say that I toyed with the idea, again embracing one of my realities…and then it hit me…I shouldn’t be embracing anything. The real reality is that the presenter had not changed, the offer had not changed, and therefore the end result would be no different either. HALLELUJAH! Eureka! I finally have arrived! God is awesome and deserves my all! And because He is so awesome I know that He will make a way for me always. It’s wonderful to know that you know you have been truly delivered. I am so excited as I have also been receiving calls and emails about a business opportunity. Not from just one individual, but several. This opportunity can and (speaking prophetically) will advance my lifestyle generously. Is it not God’s ideal to bless those that love Him? He will never forsake His children.

All this to say…God loves you. Life is hard, but you can make it through with a steadfast mindset on pleasing the Creator. He knows what’s best for you and always will. Get tired of the mundane and dare to do His will and as a dear friend says ‘see what the end is gone be’. In obedience there are riches. In obedience there is love. Be encouraged that every positive move you make on your behalf isn’t for naught. It builds character. Stop settling for things of the moment and seek and yearn for what is eternal. I’m thankful for being able to see what is presented to me, for what it is and being able to rationally think it through and move forward for my good. And what I can’t decifer, I know I can phone heaven…because the old negro spiritual says, Jesus is on the mainline and all I have to do is tell Him what I want. Hallelujah! Ain’t God good?!!!!!

Proverbs 3:5 (NIV) ~ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

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