Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An Expected End

My son arrived in Raleigh late last night. He went to meet Dr. Cornel West at Princeton University on Monday for a book signing for his new book, 'Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud, A Memoir'. My son tried to keep me up all night, reflecting on how grand his visit with Dr. West was. Appreciative for his new found wisdom, yet tired from having to wait another hour and a half for his group to arrive at location, I began to think about how awesome God is. Not that I had a doubt...but He keeps on doing what He does best...showing me what love looks like. I am so full of happy tears. Been crying since our drive home. Crying because, my son is without his father and I know that this effects him in ways that I will never know...I do know that I know that his Father in Heaven already has life mapped out for him and that all is well. AMEN! My son is just so excited about having met Dr. West. When he looked at the signatured copy of Dr. West's memoir, words cannot describe how bright his face was. Smiling on the inside and outside. I cry tears because I am so excited about what God has in store for him. I know that he will be a great man of God, hard worker, loving servant to humanity, a wonderful husband to his wife and father to his children. Even though a component is missing, links and gaps are being filled (Thank You Father) and for his good. I thank God for the men who saw a need for our black youth and are filling in where they can. Shot out to CWAE! I encourage all to speak life into their children's lives and situations. With God's help, set them up to succeed in this thing called life!

Jeremiah 29:11 ~ For I know the thoughts I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not evil, to give you an expected end.

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