Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Many think that I am bonkers because I choose to continue to love those that have hurt me. That is my charge as it is also my charge to pray for my enemies. What is the other alternative? To live with pain and regrets to the point of the manifestation of sickness. I resigned from that campaign recently. Decided to pick up my bed and go. PRAISE GOD! True deliverance in a thing really brings clarity and healing, opening up doors that would otherwise be closed due to disobedience. So why do so many that ‘love the Lord’ choose to walk with such a promulgated handicap? And in reality, many don’t see it in such a light, but wear their “lack” as a badge of honor. It’s shameful, but we all have our specific time for epiphanies. I embrace each and every one of mine.

I still love because God is love. And like so - you love the sinner, yet dislike the sin. Recently a childhood friend and not-so-long-ago love got married. I making the conscious decision, to much of my chagrin, looked to the high road and decided I would send a wedding present. Unfortunately I let the nay sayers persuade me take the road that has been trampled vs. the one less traveled. Unfortunately, I lost that battle of tug-o-war on this one and the worst of me began to surface. The ‘this dude did me wrong and I hope he gets back everything he did to me’ part of me. And even though I know that yes, what he did was wrong, I began reciting in my mind that yes “revenge is a dish best served cold”… I even had a constituent tell me that she would inflict harm upon me had I even dared use any of my money to purchase a gift for someone who did me so foul (yet not examining the plank of betrayal in her own eye, before condemning my ex to hell and possibly committing me to the ER…but that’s another post). My response was silence, once again…. Ultimately, I decided not to send a gift, as my silent protest in ‘my reality’…when in actuality I never received a formal invite or was even officially informed about the wedding in the first place. Still, I wanted to send one to let all know that all was well, as if I were even on anyone’s mind. Really wanted to do a ‘one-up’ the gossipers and show ‘em that ‘I’m just fine, even though there was a submarine that had crashed and had been shooting constant missiles in my gut for months since I became privy of the pending nuptials…Talk about having the blues man (problems with my friends, life, lost love, etc…the recipe for a great country ballad)! My prayer that night was that God forgive me for having such nasty thoughts about revenge (for vengeance wasn’t mine anyway) and that I make better decisions in the future. I wait and think of the ever so popular adage...WWJD (What Would Jesus Do, for those unlearned in modern “churchin” vernacular). I sat, cried it out, thought it out, referenced the Word and decided to pray that my ex’s union would be blessed and fruitful and also that, all who would suggest I do otherwise, that they be enlightened, delivered, and embrace the reality of God’s love. It was simpler for me to forgive and move forward in love than to delay my destiny by continually conjuring up the things to throw into my ‘pity soup’. That type of nourishment never helps anyone to grow. Thankful for this, one of many revelations in my adult life. There’s nothing greater than forgiveness and love….and I do believe we should choose to live freely and not bound by things you can’t change otherwise. In my love,….I am blessed….In my love,….I am freed….In my love,….I still believe in the possibilities of life, love, and the progression of people…In my love,…God resides therein.
And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. - 1 John 4:16

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